April showers bring…. flowering trees and shrubs to the garden! With the arrival of spring,  soil is warming, the birds are singing and the time is right to get some beautiful plants in the ground. If you have a new property you are trying to fill in or just an area you want to redo, we can help you find some gorgeous specimen plants to highlight your landscape. Call us today to discuss options for your yard. Here are a few suggestions for gorgeous flowers this year:


Azaleas and Rhododendrons: These flowering shrubs are gorgeous spring show-stoppers that produce reliable color, year after year. Most varieties are broadleaf evergreens and bloom every spring (though a few are even repeat bloomers). They like acidic soil and partial shade so they are ideal for planting under evergreen trees. Flower color varies wildly from reds and pinks to purples, yellows, oranges and even spotted varieties!


Hydrangeas: These fantastic shrubs produce absolutely enormous flower heads in a wide variety of colors and shapes. From full, round heads of purple and blue flowers to pink, white and mottled varieties, there are many to choose from. They grow well in our area, with proper care and pruning. They look great as entryway pieces in front of your home, with long-lasting blooms to welcome visitors.


Dogwoods: Spring-flowering trees and shrubs with bright, big flower bracts and lots of personality. Dogwoods flower with big, wide, showy bracts that range in color from rosy pinks to pure white. There are many varieties to choose from, ranging in color, size and growth habit so there are dogwoods to suit every landscape whether you want a bright specimen tree or a small, ornamental accent.

Contact us today to discuss new planting options for your landscape. We can help you plan and design your landscape and then we can order and install the perfect plants to suit your needs. We always take into account your soil, light needs and microclimate to make sure we choose plants that look beautiful and will succeed in your yard.

Contact Frontier Landscaping today!

Do you have any spring flowering favorites? Tell us in the comments below.