Spring is a time of quick growth and lushness. Our lawns are going crazy, with all the rain and warmer temperatures. It’s time to take a look at your lawn and make sure it’s performing at its best. Lawns can struggle with weed and pest issues as well as other problems.

Call on Frontier Landscaping to help you fix your lawn. We can help you figure out what is going on and work with you to solve the issues. Get the healthy green lawn you want!

Here are a few common lawn problems, along with some solutions:

Mossy Lawns

Moss in lawn

Moss is a consistent problem for lawns in the Pacific Northwest. Imbalanced clay soil, shady yards and cool temperatures make for ideal conditions for moss growth. Here are a few tips for getting rid of moss in your lawn:

  • Balance your soil pH by adding lime.
  • Trim and prune trees and shrubs to allow for more light to filter through.
  • Overseed your lawn so there is no space for moss to grow.
  • Add rich compost and other organic matter to balance your soil.
  • You can kill moss by applying Iron (1-2 times, as needed) and then removing thatch.

Compacted Soil

solve soil compaction

This is another common problem in our area. Northwest soils, including those in the Portland-Vancouver area, have a naturally large percentage of clay. This makes the soil very heavy and dense, minimizing air and water flow as well as root growth. In a high-traffic area (as lawns often are), compaction can get even worse, leading to drainage problems. It is important to aerate and loosen soil to allow for proper drainage and healthy plant growth.

  • Aerate your soil with a plug aerator or a pitchfork.
  • Add organic matter and live microbes to break up clay particles.
  • Filter sand into holes to help drainage in clay soil- it often works better than compost.
  • We recommend using “Turface” soil conditioner for compaction and drainage in lawns.
  • For more severe drainage problems, grading or French drains may be necessary.

Crane Flies

Crane Fly in lawns

The Crane Fly is a flying insect that can damage turf. They look like large mosquitos, though they are harmless to humans. They especially attack cool season turfgrass, leaving dead, patchy spots all over. Adults emerge in the summer but it is much more effective to take care of them when they are in the larvae stage. Here are some steps you can take:

  • Test different areas in your lawn for crane fly larvae.
  • If present, you can apply a pest control treatment.
  • If you have brown patches, you can remove thatch and reseed those areas.

Call on Frontier Landscaping to help you fix your lawn. We can solve moss issues, deal with drainage problems, remove weeds, pests and more. We want to give you a lush green lawn this year! Contact us today.