While you never know what Mother Nature has in store, we are hoping that we have made it through the worst of winter for this year. We are likely on the downhill slide into spring and there is a lot to look forward to- and lots to be done! We have a few February landscape tips for you, as well as a few recommendations for fabulous winter trees.
Storm Clean-up:
We’ve had some wind, heavy rain AND snow in the last month. How has your yard held up? It’s important to clean up after storms to prevent further damage and to eliminate potential hazards. Branches, twigs and leaves that come down need to be cleaned up and either chipped and used as mulch or disposed of in the yard waste bin. If your yard needs help recovering from storm damage, you can call on our Maintenance crew to clean up the mess! If you have damaged or down trees, our Tree Service is here to help. Contact us for a quote today!
Winter Trees:
Winter is a great time for planting trees and plants! The ground in the Northwest rarely freezes and plants can adjust to their new homes in cool temperatures rather than heat, which can be more difficult to withstand. Less stress on the tree means that it is less susceptible to disease, pests and other problems. Winter planting has the added bonus of letting Mother Nature help out with the bulk of the watering!! Frontier Landscaping can help you choose and plant the trees that are right for your landscape! Call us at (888) 544-5006 or write us to get a new tree in your yard!
The Coral Bark Maple (pictured above) is a handsome little tree with delicate, yellow-green leaves in the spring that morph into a charming display of peachy golden splendor in the autumn. Coral Bark is true to its name: its brilliant reddish-ginger branches are delightful all year round but their beauty really shines in winter. Learn more about this tree by clicking here. Hogan Cedar is a nice smaller evergreen that has bronze foliage in the winter and it can take the place of the Leyland cypress for hedges. Although it grows slower, it won’t buckle and look bad as it gets older especially under heavy ice and snow.
Weed Maintenance:
Stop weeds before they start this year! February is a good time to put down a pre-emergent herbicide. This is a process that keeps the weeds from germinating and can be used on your lawn, garden or around existing plants. Many weed seeds will begin to germinate when the soil reaches 50° F. Sometimes, those sunny winter days can warm the soil enough to start that process. So, get a jump on things and get that pre-emergent on!
What else are you working on in the yard this month? Did anyone have damage from the storms? How about bulbs- any early arrivals poking up their heads? Leave a comment below and tell us what’s going on in your landscape! Or head on over to Facebook and leave a comment or photo on our wall!